The best school districts have boards of education and superintendents who work well together. Appointed School Boards. Does office work sound boring? Meador, Derrick. Quite often, you will work for people who belong to the senior management or even the board of directors. the property of their respective owners. With the theme "Music is All of Us," March is Music in Our Schools Month, and local schools are participating in the celebration. chevron up The advantages vary depending on the building and the employer but generally include competitive pay and a package containing medical, dental and life insurance benefits. Advantages of Being a Secretary. It could also cause tendon inflammation or tingling in extreme cases. You also dont need to go to college for becoming a secretary. Without further ado, lets check out some of the pros and cons of becoming a school counselor. Hence, make sure that you are also able to ignore haters who may want to bring you down in this regard. In fact, one problem with being a secretary is that your salary will be pretty low compared to dentists or many other well-paying jobs out there. Private School Pros. You do an important job for society. I decide to do a video on the (Pros & Cons of being a superintendent), I hoped you all enjoy watching this video if you d. A superintendent must be adept at establishing working relationships with many interest groups inside the school and within the community itself to maximize their effectiveness. By working for those people, you can adopt many important skills into your personal skillset and you can really grow as a character. In general, you will also feel rather unimportant as a secretary. That's why great superintendents create a grand vision outlining where the district will be in 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years. You will just have to deal with many minor and boring problems while your boss can manage the really important stuff that brings your company to the next level. 1. Following are a few of the major drawbacks of the job. As a teacher, you establish a routine and mostly teach the same concepts each year. To accomplish this, you need to know what direction you plan to take your school district in. Opportunities are almost endless and I am sure you will have better things to do with your time instead of just working . Consequently, working as a secretary can also be great for you if you want to get to know many important people. Redundancy is never an issue when you are a school principal. You aren't just making a pros essay or a cons essay. On Nov. 1, the Duval Delegation, a group of state legislators who represent Duval County, voted 6-2 to advance the measure to the Florida Legislature in its upcoming session. In fact, in our current state of the world, it is quite common to finance college degrees with student loans. 1. You want to become a secretary? The average superintendent tenure is approximately three years in urban districts and six years in suburban districts, according to a 2014 Council of the Great City Schools survey, and those time spans make it hard to develop and institute significant improvements. Although job growth for this career was projected at only 9% from 2010-2020, the median annual salary was higher than average, at about $122,000 in May 2011, according to the BLS. While the first months or even years may be exciting, many secretaries just dont like to go to work anymore after this period since they always have to deal with the same stuff and dont get any exciting work to do. How are requests for information handled? You will also have to work under extremely hot conditions in summer, especially if you live close to the desert. During this time, they can find good information on the real condition of the district, not the propaganda on the website or the bashing in the newspaper. The primary role of any superintendent is to develop and maintain a healthy school budget. Below are some examples of construction superintendent positions available in April 2012: While many employers require job candidates have years of experience in the construction industry, education in construction science, architecture, construction management or engineering can help bolster a resume. "We celebrate music every month of the year, but there are some special ways that music will be highlighted during the month of March," said Sierra Sands Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Dave Ostash. Depends on your school system. In general, since secretaries have free weekends and rather standardized 40-hour workweeks, they will have plenty of time to follow their passions and to do the things they love. The board of education is also directly responsible for evaluating the superintendent and thus, can terminate the superintendent should they believe they are not doing their job. You have your hand in everything, and this can be overwhelming. TV reality or not. You may suffer from the same destiny as a secretary since your income will just not be high enough to pay for your rent and for other important things at the same time. Organizational skills are required for superintendents to keep a project on schedule and within budget. Hence, becoming a secretary can also be great if you dont have the motivation to get many additional years of education after school and if you want to stand on your own feet right from the beginning. Look below to see the drawbacks of the degree in construction management: 1. 1. In fact, only people who reach a certain level will have the opportunity to have a secretary working for them. Now, let's explore private school pros and cons, starting with the pros. Please note that all the information I provide on this website is to my best knowledge. An elected superintendent would most likely harm school quality because it minimizes both the number of qualified candidates and likelihood of a strong match with the school board. Four facts about elected vs. appointed superintendents, Representative Clay YarboroughDistrict 12), Representative Tracie Davis(District 13), Representative Kimberly Daniels(Vice-Chair, District 14), Representative Wyman Duggan (District 15), Representative Jason Fischer (Chair, District 16). Collaborate with teachers. For instance, if you work in garbage collection, you will just have no choice but to work outside buildings. It is also crucial to note that you will also be responsible for failures. Together they are endeavoring to change . When parents request a meeting, it is almost always because they want to complain about a teacher or another student. It may also become complicated in a situation where a school board member approaches you to request that a football player who is failing a class is allowed to play. You get to celebrate in those successes because a decision you made somewhere along the line likely helped lead to that success. District leaders reported lower, but still significant, levels of concerns about staffing at the start of the school year. Visions may differ, but there is real danger in conflicting expectations for management styles, priorities, and the governance working relationship. During these brief and high-stress interviews, there is no time to establish rapport between the candidate and the board. While the superintendent is the CEO of the district, the board of education provides oversight for the superintendent. Being a school counselor will not spare you when it comes to pressure and even high stakes at your job. How Can I Prepare For College While in High School? Thus, you will also have many options for whom you want to work for as a personal assistant. There are many other ways to fail as a principal that could jeopardize your job. They may spend part of their day in an office and part outdoors monitoring a construction site. In fact, you can learn a lot from those people. Holding the controller for long periods of time almost every day while performing repetitive movements can lead to discomfort in the fingers and the hands. Plenty of pros and plenty of cons, a future as a school counselor could be the best career in the world for you. Having to teach an endless list of subjects. The presence of a gun raises the likelihood of its usage. February 27, 2023 . Being a doctor, is a rewarding job that pays well and opens many doors. To make that easier, the district provided . You may be asking yourself "how long will this degree program take?" or "will I be able to balance time with my family and time for studying?" Fortunately, colleges are becoming more adept at offering multiple pathways to a degree. You have to be organized, self-aware, and confident to keep up with all of those responsibilities. In turn, this also implies that you will be exposed to extreme weather conditions like rain or snow. 4. Take all factors of both sides into consideration before making your final decision. MnM on . Although every job is demanding, construction managers are likely to work more than 40 hours a week. That is definitely something you can be proud of. A construction superintendent's median annual salary is about $86,000, but is it worth the training requirements? (accessed March 4, 2023). "'New, Improved' Mayors Take Over City Schools." They also have several conferences and professional development duties they are required to attend. 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In addition, many superintendents are not prepared to properly involve school boards in the work for the district. Like the state it calls home, The Texas Online Schools is a solid, yearning pioneer. The BLS also stated that construction managers with experience and education in a construction-related field would have the best prospects for employment. GRADY, MARILYN, and KRUMM, BERNITA. Becoming a school counselor takes a great deal of time. Since rents have increased quite a lot, many people are just no longer able to afford a home and many of them end up homeless in the streets. Cutting teachers and/or programs is never an easy decision. (2021, February 28). pros and cons of chp officer. However, many self-employed construction superintendents have years of experience and only a high school education. The main purpose of ROTC programs today is to train young men and women to become officers in the military. After graduation, the students (called cadets or midshipmen while they are participating in an ROTC program) immediately begin . Teachers don't have to work long hours. Solution: Savvy superintendents and board presidents see that a neutral training partner can be a bit of a buffer, clarifier, tough-message deliverer, and confidant that helps the governance team get through the bumpy first year. If you are not the type of person who loves going out to bars or clubs, you may also become part of a sports team or paint a picture. Following are just a few of the positive points of the job. If you want to work in the construction industry, but you don't want the supervising and coordinating tasks, you might like to develop plans and estimates for a construction project as a cost estimator. They are most responsible for the successes of a district and most assuredly responsible when there are failures. You don't have to work on weekends. When someone associated with the school is recognized for outstanding achievement in some area, it typically means that the right decisions have been made. The typical superintendent has been in the job for three to four years. In fact, in many jobs, it is just not possible to work indoors. If youre cut out to be a school counselor, then youre going to love your job. Since you will be the personal assistant of partners or other important people inside your company, you will see many crucial contracts and will also be able to hear many important calls. Find teaching jobs and other jobs in K-12 education at the EdWeek Top School Jobs virtual career fair. In addition, the candidate must have a stormwater professional certification and good communication and supervisory skills. He previously served as a school principal and middle school science teacher. Nugget on January 14, 2019: I'm in school. Meador, Derrick. One advantage of being a secretary is that you will have a regular 40-hour workweek most of the time. While you might take this for granted, there are in fact many people who still dont have the privilege to work indoors. List of the Cons of Being a High School Teacher. "10 Pros and Cons of Being a School Principal." There will be times you will need to shut your office door or go observe an extraordinary teachers classroom just to escape all the negativity for a few minutes. In fact, if there is a younger candidate who accepts a lower salary, you may just get fired, especially if your boss doesnt like you. 1998. In fact, many relationships ended due to those high levels of mistrust and becoming a secretary may therefore lead to all sorts of issues in your private life. As we have seen before, there are many important advantages to becoming a secretary. Cons. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. While some school counselors might make around $90,000 a year, the lowest salary is around $32,000. Tue., March 21, 2023, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Getty Images. It takes an exceptional person with a unique skill set to be an effective school superintendent. Year-round schools use facilities more efficiently by accommodating more students thanks to staggered schedules, or track systems. Negativity. Thus, no job is the same and job descriptions may not completely fit your individual experiences. The decisions you make can affect everyone. A mismatch between district and leader. If you still want to become a secretary, you should also get detailed information on salaries, job prospects, future outlook, work-life balance, educational requirements, duties and job satisfaction of secretaries. Another disadvantage of being a secretary is that you will also have a rather standardized workday. Being a school counselor will not spare you when it comes to pressure and even high stakes at your job. Some students home lives might be rough, and the internet has made bullying an even worse problem. That increase in salary is well-earned, as you will see when we look at the cons. Reliance on the interview to make a selection. Too often, boards hire based solely on interviews, with little deep knowledge about the candidate. Resumes are not very revealing, and search firms tend to seek out points of agreement, not areas of potential conflict. Employers may not require certification for construction superintendents, but obtaining a credential may help job applicants stand out in the field. The last time Duval County Public Schools had an elected superintendent was in the 1960s, during which time the district lost accreditation. If not, you will have a pretty hard time at work and will literally hate your life. The park had 3.7 deaths for every 100,000 visitors from 2007 to 2021, more than three times the rate of the next-deadliest site, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park Reserve in southern Alaska, according to the data from the National Park Service. The candidate must have a minimum of 10 years of experience in civil works projects as a construction superintendent. There's more for a course superintendent to worry about than most golfers can appreciate. You must effectively address each issue, or you will not be a principal for long. Better interactions with higher authorities: Interacting with higher officials is one of the advantages of being a secretary. If you dont want your future to be all about money, and you want it to be about helping people who need love and care, then becoming a school counselor could be the perfect job for you. Hence, it can really be a smart move to start out as a secretary and to climb the career ladder later on in the future. Situated among the best and best research universities in the country, Texas Online Schools is home to more than 51,000 understudies and 3,000 teaching faculty. Unfortunately, there is a political component to being a principal. Yet, there are also some issues with this career path. Solution: In addition to the search firm, the school board should hire someone with investigative skills (possibly the districts HR leader) to conduct a comprehensive review of the candidates. Right now, our superintendent is appointed - by an elected body. A Comprehensive Breakdown of the Roles of School Personnel, Why US Public Schools Don't Have a Prayer, School Prayer: Separation of Church and State. Biomedical If the board votes to approve a mandate, then it is the duty of the superintendent to carry out that mandate. The diversity that you will have every day makes this one of the top pros of being a phlebotomist. Find hundreds of jobs for principals, assistant principals, and other school leadership roles. You have to be diplomatic in your approach with students, teachers, and parents. Evaluate the pros and cons of being a construction superintendent to see if it is the right choice for you. The most obvious advantage of going to medical school is that, if you graduate, you will become a professional and licensed doctor, which is a highly respected job. Hey everyone, thanks for tuning in! School district superintendent is largely a short-term job. Search over ten thousand teaching jobs nationwide elementary, middle, high school and more. Other cons to be aware of. Meador, Derrick. The top 10 percent makes over $119,000 per year, while the bottom 10 percent under $57,000 per year. While not automatically a con, the length of training may be too much for some. Heres What Principals Can Do About It, Employee Morale Is Keeping Superintendents Up at Night. This means that you can go out for drinks in the evenings when other people still have to work and deal with unpleasant issues. Long Working Hours. Being a confidante. There are plenty of pros to being a school principal, from a hefty annual salary to the control you have over school programs as well as the ability to have a lasting impact. For instance, if you dont like the working climate inside your company, you can just work for someone else. You have to remain professional at all times. Get the truth about the What will you learn in an architectural drafting degree program? Every day, you get to go home having done something meaningful. But students in about 4 percent of public schools attend on a year-round . They provide assistance and guidance to students who struggle with academic, social or behavioral issues. If you believe that the cons are only roadblocks, and the pros are well worth it, then go for it. Schools are no longer the calm, respectful places we saw in 1950s television shows. Parents request meetings to voice concerns regularly. It is not written by and does not necessarily reflect the views of Education Week's editorial staff. (If they ever were.) Related: TOP 25 MOST AFFORDABLE CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY ONLINE PROGRAMS. Students and parents are different. While there can be some labor-intensive periods, secretaries also have a rather relaxed life most of the time. Not everyone is cut out to be a principal. You can work indoors. Get the latest education news delivered to your inbox daily. A construction engineering firm in California is looking for a construction superintendent to oversee civil works construction projects. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. The political game can be hard to play. "In single . While this may sound intimidating at first, those people are just only humans like you and me and you should not be scared. He or she is knowledgeable of the best practices for maximizing student achievement and is supportive of teachers in the district. What are the advantages of being a superintendent? Applicants for the credential must meet experience and education requirements, complete a construction manager course and pass an examination. You will also have total control over daily decisions, including student discipline, teacher evaluations, professional development, and so on. Help students plan and reach goals. In Jacksonville, the residency requirement would have excluded seven of the nine superintendents selected since 1969, when that position switched from elected to appointed. Advantages of Public Schools. Construction superintendents communicate the technical aspects of a project to construction workers, building owners, architects and other officials with an interest in the work. If you choose a degree program in construction science, your coursework will include building technology, architecture history, construction estimating, management, construction documents and safety. Not only do you get a 'Pengawas Sekolah' badge to pin to your lapel, some schools let their prefects dress differently from normal students such as having them wear light blue shirts instead of white, wearing black shoes instead of white, or . Federal involvement would eliminate the inconsistencies in the system. JPEF will be informing policymakers and the community about the issue as it moves ahead. August 4, 2015. Public Schools are Free. Moreover, if you aspire to moving to a foreign country in the future, you will also not have that much difficulties with finding another job as a secretary, especially if you are good at what you are doing. As a secretary, you can avoid all of this since you can just earn money right after school without having to spend huge sums of money on tuition and other things related to college life. It can be rewarding, but the decisions they make can also be especially difficult and taxing. There are times like this when you must make an ethical stand even if you know it may cost you.
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