That said, higher caliber handguns, semiautomatic guns, and automatic guns are all prohibited, except in exceptional circumstances. To receive a permit for an automatic weapon to be used for personal protection, applicants must appeal to the Arms Committee of the Defense Ministry. You can buy a Budweiser larger (300ml), Double Rye (750ml), one liter of Beehive Vodka, or a 650ml beer bomber. Snails on a train! If you inform these law officers about an emergency and provide a different address, you will be guilty of a fourth-degree felony. It is illegal for civilians to own semiautomatic weapons in Chile. This includes cars parked on private property, such as a driveway. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us! Making prank phone calls to police officers is illegal in Utah. ", The Statute Forbidding Bearing Of Armour or Coming Armed To Parliament Act 1313 was enacted in 1313 during the reign of Edward II Of England. This deposit may be refunded if it is not used to cover damages as determined by the innkeeper following room inspection once a client checks out. However, there are some exceptions, like in cases where both parties are 65 years and above, or at least 55 years old, and the local district court has approved that either party cannot reproduce. To own a firearm, citizens must be at least 25 years old and register the weapon with the Federal Police. That weird 19th-century law is still in effect today in France. Some of these legislations are remnants of bygone eras, while others seem to have been created on the spot. Can you match these strange laws to their country of origin? Let us know what you think! Home 9 Weird laws from around the world. Matrcula para el perodo Carrying an unregistered gun is punishable by a three- to five-year prison sentence. Thus was born this weird French law that prohibits making out once the train has pulled up to the station. If your spouse spends way too many hours watching games on the tube and hurling insults at PSG (or OL, depending on where you live), you can call it quits. Back in the day, road accidents with herders were becoming a considerable disturbance, and so laws were created to create more order. Her favorite writer is Umberto Eco and she will trade bamboo for strawberries. There is a good reason for this law though. The law is still in force today, although no one has been prosecuted for this in modern times. The application process for permission to carry a gun requires all of the above requisites as well as a request justifying the need to transport the weapon. Unfortunately, not everyone is obeying the law and to enforce it, Mayor Lembo thought he could take advantage of another existing law requiring all dogs to have blood tests for canine leishmaniasis, and just have the DNA matched. Animals need proper food and water, shelter from the elements, and protection from predators. Johannesburg (by appointment only): 1 Park Lane, Wierda Valley, Sandton 2196, South Africa. People were saying that they felt the sensation of freedom and connection with nature when they hiked naked. Leave your details below including a short message and a financial consultant will contact you. 14. Peruvians worship Mother Earth and in keeping with this, the Chakana denotes the organic cycle of life. According to the Broadcasting Act in Canada, the countrys radio and television broadcasters must include a certain percentage of Canadian content in their programs. According to Justia US Laws, specific rules define how you can or cannot beat your opponent in a boxing match. Good job, 1920's Arizona! Laws become binding from the date of publication. However, textile producers and shoppers were not happy about this and there were even protests against the ban in Kazakhstan. There is a clear separation of functions, between the President of the Republic, the Congress, the judiciary and a Constitutional Court. All guns must be registered with the military, which maintains a national gun registry. If it turns out Napoleon wasnt in fact ridiculously short, he sure acted like he had a complex. Wiki User. It would appear that premonition and challenging people to duels are among the weird laws in Chile. While it was sleeping, a dam near Kingman collapsed, causing a flash flood, and the napping donkey was carried by the waters. One weird law in Utah that is real concerns whale-hunting. It states youll promptly and unceremoniously get thrown out of the town hall if you dont use the proper civilities such as hello and thank you. This beautiful and diverse city is surrounded by stunning countryside and is a huge attraction for tourists who want to combine, Read More 10 Things to Do in Burlington, VT for First Time VisitorsContinue, There are many beautiful and majestic lakes globally, and if you love spending time near or around the water, you will fall in love with these 20 deepest lakes. WebThis weird law in Alaska states that waking a bear while it is sleeping to get a selfie is a no-no. In the Code of Ordinance of the city Mobile in Alabama, there is a section talking about the use of confetti: It shall be unlawful and an offense against the city for any person to have in possession, keep, store, use, manufacture, sell, offer for sale, give away or handle any non-biodegradable, plastic-based confetti, serpentine, or other substance or matters similar thereto within the city or within its police jurisdiction.Paper confetti is fine, but the law is more focused on plastic confetti which doesnt disintegrate and ends up lying all over green areas. Stupid Laws tell us that city code in Anchorage won't allow more than three people to ride in the front seat of any motor vehicle. This law was interpreted quite loosely by tourists and naked hiking became a popular thing. If you often run to the pub at the first hint of a problem, Utah may not be the ideal State for you. The Utah Legislature passed a law in 1909 that made it illegal to hunt elephants. Ironically, did you know that Napolon is the ruler who established todays French civil code? WebThis weird law states that motorists with criminal intentions that are driving through the city limits of Washington must call the Police Chief before entering the city. Jurgita is a content creator at Bored Panda. 24 laws you didn't know about in the USA Weird laws in Florida An unmarried woman cannot go skydiving on a Sunday It is illegal to sing while wearing a bathing suit Bored Panda collected some of the strangest, silliest, and most amusing laws from around the world. Ooops! You can divorce your husband if he watches too much football, 10. According to the Utah State code, chapter 76a, section 3011, causing a catastrophe due to recklessness makes you guilty of a C misdemeanor. Liquor stores have beer-only licenses, but if you are looking for refreshing alcohol at a restaurant in Utah, nobody will serve you until you order some food. Accredited foreign diplomatic missions or inheritances can seek clearance. O Programa de Ps-Graduao em Letras decorre de uma proposta apresentada pelo Departamento de Letras da Universidade Federal do Maranho e elaborada em consonncia com os dispositivos do Estatuto, do Regimento Geral, do Regimento dos Cursos de Ps-Graduao stricto sensu e lato sensu da UFMA e deste Regimento Interno, estando previsto no Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional - PDI - 2012-2016.O Curso de Mestrado Acadmico em Letras, do Programa de Ps-Graduao em Letras - PGLetras, aprovado pela Resoluo 1007/2013 - CONSEPE-UFMA, de 6 de maio de 2013, e recomendado pela CAPES com nota 3 e rea de concentrao em Estudos da Linguagem, est estruturado em trs linhas de pesquisa: Linha 1 - Descrio e Anlise do Portugus Brasileiro; Linha 2 - Estudos de Linguagem e Prticas Discursivas e 3- Estudos Tericos e Crticos em Literatura. Hey Pandas, Who Was Your Favorite Black History Month Icon You Learned About This BHM? 1. Article 404 indicates that you must face imprisonment in its minimum degree if you challenge your opponent to a duel. Carry permits are authorized for members of the armed forces, police, prison guards, security officials, and transportation companies. One wonders if any of these laws are enforced with a straight face! After an angry local resident forgot his manners with a civil servant in 2011, the local council of Lhraule decided to adopt the decree. In addition, Brazilian law outlaws the manufacture, sale, and import of toys and replicas of guns that could be confused with real weapons. If youre planning to head there, perhaps you should put in your order now! In 2014 Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan introduced a regulation which requires clothing in contact with skin to contain at least 6 percent of cotton. In addition, there are 69 secret laws that were issued in Chile before Pinochet came to power from 1900 to 1973 and two more from the late 1990s, when Bicycle enthusiasts can get away with sipping their coffee while peddling, but one hand needs to touch the bars. (LogOut/ Also how will they know you didnt walk 3 times. Start writing! WebWyoming Statute 16-6-802 requires that newly constructed public buildings include art displays at a cost equal to 1% of the buildings total construction costs (but not to exceed If a licensed gun owner is found guilty of domestic violence, the person may have his or her permit suspended or revoked. In the past two years, 341 long arms and 1,075 pistols have been reported missing from police and military forces, though this number is likely much higher. The legal system of Chile belongs to the Continental Law tradition. Posted on March 1, 2023 March 1, 2023 by Roshan. As an autonomous agency of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, ANMaC is responsible for overseeing gun registration and the gun surrender program. Note: this post originally had 41 images. The reasoning for this was that synthetic fabrics don't absorb moisture as well and can cause skin problems. However, according to the Sexual Offences Act, it was a crime for teens to engage in this behaviour. Whats not as humorous, though, is how many weird laws in France still infringe on womens rights. Change). According to Utah Criminal Law, issuing a fake bomb threat and other prank calls involving mass threats is a criminal offense. If you want to get married and live in this State, you should date outside of the family. Learn how your comment data is processed. The same penalty will apply if your opponent, in a fit of cowardice or wisdom, refuses to participate and you decide to publicly chastise According to a law made in 1924, it is illegal for donkeys to sleep in bathtubs. According to estimates by the committee, that should leave Brazilian legislation with only 1.000 laws. The law states, No person shall interfere with a tree or part of a tree located on municipal property, including but not limited to attaching, affixing or placing upon in any manner any object or thing to a tree or part of a tree, and climbing the tree. The city of Oshawa says that they care about their citizens safety so they prohibited this activity which can end with injuries. The extensive procedure for acquiring a weapon includes registering a home address with the national firearm authority (Directorate General of National Mobilization, DGMN), receiving psychiatric approval, and passing an official exam on the proper use and maintenance of firearms. They all underline what a good spring cleaning French law really needs. Causing any sort of catastrophe in Utah is illegal. Also in my country (chile) there is some strange laws and I will write about them right now. Another bill signed by Pea Nieto that same year made the possession of gun cartridges and magazines illegal and increased penalties to two and five years in prison, as well as raised fines. Well, if I was a bride, I'd think this was a damn fine law!!! Gun possession in Colombia is restrictive. Furthermore, firearm makers and dealers must keep a record of all weapons made and traded. Utah has stringent alcohol regulation laws. START QUIZ Which country has a famous ban on chewing gum? In a city of La Paz, Bolivia, married women are allowed to drink only one glass of wine in public. That includes glove compartments, under seats, and in the trunk. And as Chinas population is also getting old, more elderly people become neglected and feel lonely. We explore policies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. Sadly, thanks to the Licensing Act 1872, it's also illegal and could land you a 200 fine and almost a year in What are some weird laws in Chile? The good folks over at Olivet Nazarene University put together an infographic of some of the most outrageous, confusing and downright weird legislation instilled around our great nation. However, Muslim women expressed that they dont feel like they are being integrated, but rather discriminated against as wearing veils is their choice. Sta. Some cities prohibit the sale of alcohol altogether. Be sure to check with the proper authorities before you try to bring on a little rain or snow. An individual must apply for an additional license and provide justification in order to own more than two guns. Burial plots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The government has in place a paid voluntary and anonymous gun surrender program known as PEVAF. Thus the French music quota was decreased to 35% in 2016. We Know How to Reduce Homicides in Latin America. Until 2018, the State Administration For Religious Affairs (SARA) was a part of Chinas government, and in 2007, they issued a decree that all the reincarnations of tulkus of Tibetan Buddhism must get government approval, otherwise the reincarnations would be illegal. One weird law in Utah that is real concerns whale-hunting. It is one of many weird Utah laws still on the books. So enjoy and dont forget to upvote the ones that surprised you the most! Five Weird Laws In Chile. Carry permit seekers must also show that the individual received training to use a gun. Explainer: Gun Laws in Latin America's Largest Economies. Still, the Mexican military and police forces purchase arms from the same American companies named in the lawsuit. In cases where a valid credit card is not an option, the parent is required to provide the innkeeper with a deposit not exceeding $500. In 2018, the city of Florence banned people from pausing in the historic center to eat food standing or sitting on sidewalks, roadways, and on the doorsteps of shops and houses. If you want to commit any crime in Arizona, be mindful of how you 13. In August 2021, the Mexican government filed a lawsuit in the United States against gun manufactures for facilitating the flow of arms into the country. But all countries have rules that dont make sense for anyone other than those who created them. In Utah, you are prohibited from riding a bike without touching the handlebars, regardless of your prowess in cycling. Ok": Employee Leaves Work During An Emergency Because Manager Wouldn't Approve His Overtime, AITA? Illegal gun possession carries a sentence of between four to 15 years in prison. Only handguns and semiautomatics are authorized; assault weapons are illegal for civilians. It raised concerns that this law is aimed at some Muslim women who wear veils such as the niqab or burqa. Even though the law is quite old and plague cases are very rare, we now know how fast a disease can spread. The only exception is getting permission from the property owner. Maybe the sand artists also used fixative sprays or something to make them stay intact. No drinks in restaurants unless you order food, 8. Wyoming Statute 16-6-802 requires that newly constructed public buildings include art displays at a cost equal to 1% of the buildings total construction costs (but not to exceed $100,000). Another unexpected legal ground for divorce is physical infidelity not in the sexual sense, but rather physical integrity. Officially, if youd like to wear a pantsuit, you must get authorization from the nearest precinct, as well as a medical certificate. The law also made psychological evaluations and gun knowledge tests more stringent and also encourages citizens to turn in and destroy their guns. The law was put in place to avoid annoying pedestrians and travelers. Study now. If you love adventures and want, Read More The 20 Deepest Lakes in The WorldContinue, Ten years after my first visit, I returned to the adults-only boutique hotel Casa Velas in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for a relaxing getaway. Dont go hiking naked in Switzerland unless you want a fine. Of Frances 15,500 or so laws, there are quite a few that would raise an eyebrow (sometimes two). Do not take this lightly! Do not open your container of alcohol in the car, 1. In Alabama, for example, you technically could be arrested for dressing up as a member of the clergy on Halloween. The Chinese government must grant permission to a Buddhist to reincarnate (youve been warned!). In 2013, a new law was released in China requiring adults to care for their aging parents and visit them at least once a year. This thread & the top 7 items: case in point. I was warned of that in the early 2000s and it turned out to be true. Biting, striking an individual who demonstrates the inability to protect themselves, using anything that is not a part of the body, is against the law. The people of the town were after the donkey to save him and after experience, considering the expense and the risks encountered by the rescuers, it was decided that donkeys should not be allowed to sleep in bathtubs. Most of them are reasonable laws that protect a country from tourists that behave bad! There are four states in the United States that have banned billboards: Alaska, Maine, Vermont, and Hawaii, where the ban was introduced the earliest. that should be a law everywhere and should include glitter. The Constitution also bans civilian-owned guns at political meetings and elections. growing up in Canada, I had mixed feelings about this law. You can drive straight into oncoming traffic 4. The law prohibits gun ownership for anyone with a criminal history. However, you may get so distracted that youll miss your train. These stores remain closed on Sundays and reopen Monday through Saturday. These guns lack serial numbers, making them difficult to trace. The flag must be pristine and hung from a white pole or from the front of the As long as its wine, beer, cider or hydromel. Still, now, you can be fined more than $100 for this adventure (or should we say misadventure!). Dana has extensive professional writing experience including technical and report writing, informational articles, persuasive articles, contrast and comparison, grant applications, and advertisement. Serving alcoholic beverages to customers without an additional food order is against the law. Individuals who have a second residence outside the State can get DABCs approval to bring some booze. If you are a woman that recently got widowed, you want to start all over See answer (1) Copy. The law dictates that at least one hand should be touching the bars. This is evident in the strict law against alcohol consumption, where it is illegal to buy, sell or consume any form of alcohol in some cities. All prospective owners are also fingerprinted. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is forbidden in streets, roads, Did you know that it is illegal to modify the weather in Utah without a permit? The ban was introduced because vandals had begun sticking chewing gum on the door sensors of MRT trains, preventing doors from functioning properly and causing disruption to train services. MTLEY CRE played its seventh concert with guitarist John 5 Friday night (March 3) at Estadio Bicentenario de La Florida in Santiago, Chile. Expatica helps make your expat journey the experience you've always wanted. Businesspeople understand that this actually benefit them, because billboards ruin the landscape; without them, these states maintain their scenic beauty and attract more people to visit. Your great, great grandfather sounds like a fun guy, In Germany it's forbiiden to walk over brides in lockstep. You need to confine your horses in Utah. At FinGlobal, we pride ourselves on providing premier world-class tax and financial emigration services to South African expats worldwide. Canadian content is considered any content that was at least partly written, produced, presented, or otherwise contributed to by people from Canada. Chewing gum left on the ground, stairways, and pavements in public areas was hard to clean, so cleaning cost more and damaged cleaning equipment. Furthermore, it is illegal to carry a gun out of a registered home address unless the person has a carry permitanother complicated document to acquire that includes additional psychiatric approval. Most chewing gum is banned in Singapore. If a person is busted for leaving a mess on the streets, they will be fined 2,000 ($2,400). 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If you want your emigration from SA to go ahead smoothly, the answer is to chat with a consultant from FinGlobal. You might think this is common sense, but there are plenty of people who have been ticketed for breaking this law. Retain licensees may not sell, offer to sell, or furnish beer in containers whose size exceeds two littles. Dont dare to die before you purchase a burial plot in this French town. This legislation is actually in place to ensure the safety of domestic animals. 8 AM? Let's keep in touch and we'll send more your way. You can change your preferences. So, you can call your pig whatever you like, but certainly not Napolon. We respect your privacy. Despite being a strange law, it makes a lot of sense. The law was enacted in 2013 and is relevant to those who make a prank call to an emergency number. Politicians argued that this ban would promote integration, or public safety, or that wearing a veil is inconsistent with national values like gender equality. It would appear that premonition and challenging people to duels are among the weird laws in Chile. The Bored Panda iOS app is live! Matrcula para el perodo The most recent extension applies through December 31, 2021. A separate permit is needed for a citizen to carry a weapon outside of a residence, and involves requirements such as an occupational necessity (for example, employees of security firms or rural workers). Private sale of guns is allowed, and subject to the same gun-permit laws. In her spare time this panda likes to read, learn new languages and go for long walks. There is no specification on how much food a patron can order. In response, lawmakers passed legislation to prevent livestock, llamas, emus, and other hoofed animals from being herded on city streets. Check it out below, and get your donkey out of the tub! Someone having to come assist you while you are stranded is always a possible hazard to others. There have been some updates to this law, including the addition of yeast, so it isnt entirely the same as it was in the beginning. And as youd expect from the French, a few involve kissing, snails, and of course Napoleon. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. WebOriginally, Family law in Chile was created according to the conservative spirit of the society of 19th century. In the city of Baltimore, fortunetelling for money is forbidden and is punishable with a fine or jail: Every person who shall demand or accept any remuneration or gratuity for forecasting or foretelling or for pretending to forecast or foretell the future of another by cards, palmreading or any other scheme, practice or device, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $500 or subject to imprisonment for not more than 1 year.. Whiskey, rum, vodka, and other distilled spirits are sold in liquor stores. Get the latest inspiring stories via our awesome iOS app! Springfield is a city in Missouri, and one of the most popular tourist destinations in this state. There are a lot of strange laws in Utah, but the law prohibiting herding animals on a street corner is pretty unique. According to it Chile is a democratic republic. In many countries that happens a lot for example in Singapore, one of the many laws that it has is to NOT eat chewing gum. Until 2015, gun ownership in Argentina was overseen by the National Firearm Registry, known by its initials in Spanish, RENAR. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The origin of the law is actually a funny story that apparently, nobody wanted to repeat itself. Article 10 of the Mexican Constitution entitles the countrys citizens to own guns. She is a positive and hard-working panda. South America Law. Fight boredom with iPhones and iPads here. Firing Cannons In Residential Areas - Metropolitan Police Act, 1839 This law prohibits cannon fire within 300 yards of residential properties. This funny law is just so French. How would you rate the quality of the article? We're asking people to rethink comments that seem similar to others that have been reported or downvoted, By using our services you agree to our use of cookies to improve your visit. What are some weird laws in japan? Other requirements include being 18 years of age, having mental and physical capacity to operate a gun, holding no criminal convictions, and fulfillment of military service. Throwing stones or rocks at vehicles is an annoying habit, and therefore, obeying this law may be a good idea. What if you play all day or have a really exciting day with your do and its tired? 9) Chakana, The symmetrical Incan Cross symbolizes three worlds: the upper world, everyday world, and underworld. While its just a local ordinance, this weird law from a small town in the North of France merits its place here. Who can say family legacy! Lots of wacky laws have been written over the years, and they were all written for a reason. To access case law click on Derecho and then select Jurisprudencia. It was always forbidden for residents of Monaco to gamble in The Carlo Casino. Biting is not allowed in a boxing match, 11. We have come across some bizarre laws over the years, and we believe that while some are funny, others will leave you quite flabbergasted. This weird law states that motorists with criminal intentions that are driving through the city limits of Washington must call the Police Chief before entering the city. 13. Prostitution and Tax Holland has legalised prostitution, and the earnings are taxable. 14. Kissing in French Trains In Harper Woods, Mi, It is illegal to paint sparrows to sell them as parakeets.
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