His bestsellers, Closer to the Light and Transformed by the Light, convinced millions that there is indeed something that lies beyond bodily death and that NDEs profoundly transform peoples lives for the better. This other reality frequently is a spiritual one involving the existence of a loving god. In theory, there are at least three possible universes comprised of the three basic sets of subatomic particles. The advanced scientific knowledge he brought back from his NDE led him to numerous scientific discoveries and U.S. and foreign patents (see www.lighthealthresearch.com). He was born on March 2, 1949, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and passed away on March 31st, 2017. I went through them. Dr. Janice Holden of International Association of Near Death Studies (IANDS) says of Benedict: Mellen-Thomas, under hypnosis, was able to give accurate information about and draw the genetic makeup of a rare neuromuscular disease. For example, one young boy told him the god took me in his hands and kept me safe while medics were frantically trying to revived his body after a near drowning. They had dreamlets as Dr. Whinnery calls them. NDEs can occur in very young children, too little to have a fear of death to react to, infants who have no internal defense mechanisms against the concept of death. Just as Morses previous books helped catapult the study of NDEs and their transforming effects from a fringe area to one considered mainstream and medically valuable, Where God Lives validates the brains connection to the God experience with an arsenal of powerful human stories and indisputable scientific facts that answer formerly intractable questions like: a. As someone who was raised in a scientific household with no real spiritual or religious beliefs, this event shook Greyson so much that it completely changed the course of what he thought would be a relatively straightforward medical career. How does that work? I knew that I would be reincarnated. For example, Olga Gerhardt was a 63 year old woman awaiting a heart transplant. Mel Has a Near Death Experience in The Pool! Despite the childs admitted lies, Morses 2014 trial resulted in him being convicted of reckless endangerment for which he served two years in prison. Cleve Backster, see www.primaryperception.com, is best known for his experiments with biocommunication in plant and animal cells using a polygraph machine in the 1960s which led to his theory of primary perception. Cleve Backsters study was partially replicated in 1973 by Dr. Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ of CIA remote-viewing Stargate Project fame at the Stanford Research Institute. If near-death experiences are real, then clearly it is possible that this other reality is real and even our destination after death. Some heavens are very interesting, and some are very boring. I had conversations with the Light. So as I asked the Light to keep clarifying for me, I saw in this magnificent mandala how beautiful we all are in our essence, our core. alive forever. Posted at 18:52h in trading wisdom: 50 lessons every trader should know by shelden williams disability. But no one seemed to pay attention to it. Soon we will be able to live as long as we want to live in this body. Noodles dont have rainbows in them. He states that suddenly I rolled into a ball and smashed into another reality. Kenneth Rings, Professor Emeritus of psychology at the University of Connecticut and a highly regarded researcher within the field of near-death studies, at the time wrote, Mellen-Thomas has the big picture. These particles last for only a fraction of a second in this reality, yet they comprise the elemental building blocks of reality. The mystery of life has very little to do with intelligence. They were never near death and had adequate food and water. She remembered who I was from the night before, he tells me. I have documented dozens of such stories, but they will not convince any skeptic of the reality of near-death experiences. The entire experience halted. He brings back a message of hope and inspiration The Near-Death Experience of Mellen-Thomas Benedict . I went back to sleep. That is a part of yourself that you leave there. We dreamed it up. But whatever we created, we leave a part of ourselves there. Life in a Prison and Near-Death Experiences (44 mins)4. It made her anger at an irrational universe which would cause a child to die a fraction less, Her sons vision implied to her that he was going somewhere after death. It is childs play. i. We all have a higher Self, or an oversoul part of our being. She was able to recount many details of her own resuscitation, and then said that she was taken down a brick lined tunnel to a heavenly place. When Godhead said, I dont care, I immediately understood that it is for us to care about. . mel benidorm near death experience 03 Jun. I told her that the most scientific answer based on the evidence is that he was able to share with her his dying experience. One boy stated that Jesus had visited him in a big yellow school bus and told him he would die soon. They are real experiences, as real as any other human perception. In fact, the whole cosmos has been looking for the meaning of life, the meaning of it all. It is never again going to be as wild a place as it once was. Atwater is the one who introduced Benedict to the near-death community. They said God had periodically created new Universes by breathing out, and recreated other Universes by breathing in. Oh! As I looked at it, I heard some music. Posted 2022610 by 2022610 by Live and let live. All energy this side of the Big Bang is light. His latest work, Where God Lives, by Melvin Morse with Paul Perry, builds on the authors previous research into NDEs to reveal a startling truth: that all of us have the biological potential to interact with the universe not just when we are dying, but at any time during our lives by learning to stimulate an under-utilized area of the brain the authors call the God Spot. Drawing from mounting scientific research, documented NDEs and other mystical encounters, and the authors personal experiences this illuminating book outlines a convincing new paradigm that seeks to explain some of the human minds most elusive mysteries, including miraculous healing, telepathy, hauntings, reincarnation, remote viewing, and other paranormal phenomena. It is in finding those connections that we find the secret to good health and a long life. Applying the rigors of science to the study of the spiritual, this intriguing book presents a provocative starting point for a new understanding of how the brain works, and concludes definitively that there is an unseen but not unreachable power that guides us all. Science of the Afterlife (48 mins)6. After his death, Madge lost all their money, and a con man going by the name of 'Mohammad Mohammad' claimed to have half of Mel's fortune from a business trip in Marrakech prior to his death. From what I have seen, I would be happy to be an atom in this universe. I had a seriously negative one. And it was the little dreamer who came up with the best answer ever. Finally her pager went off and she was called to the University of California Center for surgery. The pilot remarked that death is very pleasant. When he followed up in the ICU the next morning, the patient was awake but groggy. Dr. Jim Whinnery, of the National Warfare Institute, thought he was simply studying the effects of G forces on fighter pilots. From there, the International Association for Near-Death Studies was born and the foundation for the future study of NDEs was established including the only peer-reviewed scientific journal on the topic. He had been on the original team in Toronto at the time of the patient's death. >Mellen-Thomas Benedicts Near-Death Experience. Is reincarnation the act of tapping in to a universal memory bank? None of these patients reported being conscious while dying or having a spiritual experience. A Child's Angel January 31, 2010. The PBS show Upon Reflection produced a half-hour episode devoted to Morse. A near-death experience (NDE) is the conscious, semi-conscious or recollected experience of someone who is approaching or has temporarily begun the process of dyingfor example, during a cardiac . As I rode the stream on and on, I could eventually see a huge Light coming. I saw the Christian heaven. This is my very best light therapy invention for home and travel use. Brendan Fraser has recalled almost dying while starring in The Mummy. The height of Mel's empire peaked in 1992, when he had fourteen sandwich shops, which he sold for 1,800,000 when he retired at the age of sixty-six in 2005. Isnt that going to be wonderful? I could see during my near death experience all the energy that this solar system generates, and it is an incredible light show! He has gone on to develop over 100 patents in molecular chemistry based on the information from his NDE. The only way I can really describe it is that the being of the higher Self is more like a conduit. She has floated above her body, and met the seated figure. For each and every one of us to be the human part of this experience is awesome, and magnificent. In that instant I realized even more. He has participated in studies of a major university where he contributed to understanding the structure of genes and chromosome coding for a genetic disease, while researchers puzzled over how he could have access to this information.. Benedict was a talented artist, author, musician, and inventor; in short, a true renaissance man. Then I saw the human heaven. When I say that all my questions were answered on the other side, I mean to say just that. Then I awakened and saw the light outside. I saw that each and every little piece of creation has the power to create. I am still speechless about this. His book is entitled, Primary Perception: Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods, and Human Cells and his original work is described in the book, The Secret Life of Plants. See also Cleve Backsters Wikipedia page. For a period they had to keep setting off more bombs to get it in to us. We are going to link up, hold hands, and walk out of hell together. Bruce Greyson, among the pioneering researchers to investigate near-death experiences, describes the profound and long-lasting effects that such encounters can have for the people who live through them. The only images that even come close in human terms would be those created by super computers using fractal geometry equations. Everything since the Big Bang is vibration, from the first Word, which is the first vibration. He thought this was quite unprofessional of a psychiatrist, and vowed to prove her wrong. He wrote down the message, and the time and fell asleep again. On Tuesday (28 February), Fraser was a guest on The Kelly Clarkson Show, where he discussed shooting a sequence for . Every detail had objective verification. What distorts people is a lack of love. Dr. Morse is also heads The Institute for the Scientific Study of Consciousness ( www.spiritualscientific.com ). I asked in a kind of telepathy, What is going on here?, The information transmitted was that our beliefs shape the kind of feedback we receive. My memory of my near-death experience came back later. Thank God most of them are short-lived milliseconds and nanoseconds. So I determined that this was really just between me and God. He is very nice.. I wanted to go towards that Light like I might want to go into my ideal mothers or fathers arms. Virtually all anecdotal research and many controlled scientific studies stress that there must be an interaction between the mind of the individual and the universal pattern or God and studies further suggest that this universal energy pattern can directly influence health. The Void is absolute zero; chaos forming all possibilities. You do not have to die to do this. Morse takes readers beyond theory to the practical matter of how this mysterious area of the brain can be made more accessible to us. I love nuclear waste. We Dont Die Radio Show (54 mins)8. The light came to me and turned into a huge golden angel. After suffering from a terminal illness, in 1982 Mellen-Thomas Benedict died and for an hour and a half he was monitored showing no vital signs. mel benidorm near death experience. It is tangible; you can feel it. I woke up my hospice caretaker and told her. We only have to listen to them to understand them. There will be great wild places, reserves where nature thrives. The Doctors Studying Life After Death. We are; our galaxy, which has been reprocessed from another Universe. He is primarily interested in learning how to use the visions that surround death to heal grief. His mother and brother miraculously swam to safety. The authors research shows that people whove had an NDE are more likely to be in tune with their God Spot, and to have other mystical experiences or possess other paranormal abilities. Oftentimes, the details they reported defy explanation, such as seeing a deceased person who no one knew was dead yet, or learning details about how that individual died before anyone else. Families have group souls. His 1991 book, Closer to the Light, was a bestseller for which Oprah Winfrey interviewed Morse about this book in 1992. The story demonstrates that the near-death experience is a return to consciousness at the point of death, when the brain is dying. All Higher Selves are connected as one being. They were all very interesting, and gave hope that there was something on the other side. I realized that we are part of a natural living system that recycles itself endlessly. By 2008, he had a chain of five sunbed shops in Manchester, which he tells everyone who will listen. Play welcome message from }); There was this darkness around me. The Letter October 8, 2010. I was so surprised when I opened my eyes from my near death experience. Her family was only told in the morning that her operation was a success, without other details. Increasingly, studies suggest that life has a pattern and innate meaning beyond what we, as human beings, impose on it. Morses NDE study, done at Seattle Childrens Hospital, concluded that NDEs are in fact the dying experience. I had complete trust in the Light and the Life process. And that is God expanding itself through us. Mother Earth (Gaia), our role in the Universe, and was Then the Light said: You have a desire.. As wild as that may sound, its been documented many times over. Often there is no perception of the painful events going on in the body. She asked him to tell her daughter (his wife). experience story known to date. He compared them to 131 children who were also quite ill, in the intensive care unit, mechanically ventilated, treated with drugs such as morphine, Valium and anesthetic agents, and often had a lack of oxygen to the brain, BUT, they were not near-death. All humans are connected as one being.. Death. In one passage, he wrote; A Light shone. It is alluring; you want to go to it like you would want to go to your ideal mothers or fathers arms. his NDE, in holographic detail, Earths past and a beautiful The American Journal of Psychiatry, in 1967, reported the experiences of two miners trapped for days in a mine. I took one big drink and then another. In this expanded state, I discovered that creation is about Absolute Pure Consciousness, or God, coming into the Experience of Life as we know it. They almost always describe it as a pleasant, if not blissful, experience, Greyson says. But was it really real? It revealed itself to me in its truest energy form. Soon thereafter, enough other scientists, doctors and academics began reaching out to Greyson and Moody about NDEs that they held a conference at the University of Virginia, where Greyson is currently a professor emeritus of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences. Benedict chronicled, in vivid detail, his near death experience. The earth is a great processor of energy, and individual consciousness evolves out of that into each one of us. The Official Site of Philip T. Rivera. delivered with a joy and clarity that is refreshing. Menu and widgets For example, we can place hidden targets in hospital rooms where people are likely to have cardiac arrests, to see whether those who later claim to have left their bodies can describe those targets., In everyday life, our brain plays a very necessary role in our thoughts, feelings and perceptions. vision of mankinds future for the next 400 years. Seminar: Earth GAIA 101 (78 mins)2. I went over to the other side during my near-death experience with a lot of fears about toxic waste, nuclear missiles, the population explosion, the rainforest. It took the frantic transplant team three more hours to revive her. Are near-death experiences actually the dying experience, the result of normal brain function at the point of death? One of the names given to him was Cleve Backster. After having his NDE, Benedict tracked him down. It was an enormous stream of Light, vast and full, deep in the Heart of Life. One of my questions to the light was, What is heaven?. I just knew that I would. Deepak Chopra, in his book Life after Death: The Burden of Proof, recounts Benedicts journey at length and says, Mellen is an encyclopedia of the afterlife. In the view of the webmaster of this site, on this web page you will read the most inspirational NDE ever documented. Angels, devils, UFOs, and God now seem less like fairy tales and more likely to be perceptions of conscious beings in other realities predicted by modern science. Although more research needs to be done on the psychological mechanisms that may influence NDEs, Greyson and his colleagues are sure of one thing: A variety of studies have shown that they have nothing to do with mental illness or psychological disturbance., Rather, NDEs are normal responses to highly unusual circumstances. Paul Perry and I thoroughly researched her story. Since his near-death experience, Mellen-Thomas Now, Morse continues his compelling scientific probe into the mysteries of life and death offering a bold and provocative new theory on what NDEs reveal about mind-body interactions, human memory, and the part of our brain that literally communicates with God. The Light changed into different figures, like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, archetypal images and signs. This is a consciousness think tank of national renown scholars in their individual fields. But I got clear on all that. Dr. Morse? Chris, age 8, had nearly drown when his familys car plunged over a bridge and into the freezing waters of a river near Seattle. experts, "Exploring When I told my Mom about it, I told her it was a noodle, but it must have been a tunnel, because it had a rainbow in it. When Todd died after falling into a neighbors swimming pool, moments before he died, he came out of coma, looked at his Mom, and said the moon, the moon, I am on a rocket ship to the moon. She asked me if he was just having a hallucination. If we really understood that from a scientific standpoint these experiences are real, meaning that they are a normal function of the human brain at death, we could cut health care costs in this country by at least 20%. The animals have a group soul, and they reincarnate in group souls. Olaf felt he was floating in a universe with no boundaries. Michael Sabom, an Atlanta cardiologist, found that 43% of cardiac arrest patients had NDEs. Wisdom Magazines Interview with Mellen-Thomas Benedict, Rev. This body gives life to the next life, in dense and subtle energy. Well, one day they are going to come down to the little thing that holds it all together, and they are going to have to call that God. When his efforts to revive the patient were equally unsuccessful, she was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit, on the verge of death. Later, Mick receives a phone call in which he is told that Mel is in hospital having taken ill with an unspecified illness. Now I came to this with my negative view of what has happened on the planet. You always have. So that is what was being fed back to me during my life after death experience. Bruce Greyson, among the pioneering researchers to investigate near-death experiences, describes the profound and long-lasting effects that such encounters can have for the people who live through them. Drink of this manna water to your hearts content.. Now I look at every human being that I ever see, and I see a soul mate, my soul mate, the one I have always been looking for. I was not into any kind of spirituality at the time, but I began a journey into learning about spirituality and alternative healing. As the stream merged with the great Light, I asked never to forget the revelations and the feelings of what I had learned on the other side. Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D., ( www.melvinmorsemd.com) is an American medical doctor who specializes in pediatrics. I knew it was the First Light; the higher Self Light Matrix of our solar system. These things are so big. Every human has a different life and set of questions to explore. Whats important is that we have enough cases to be able to find patterns, which allow us to look at how physiological events or psychological traits may play a role in bringing about NDEs, or how different aspects of NDEs lead to different aftereffects, Greyson explains. She had had no heart beat for 19 minutes, yet completely recovered. Here. Finally, Dr. Morse studied the entire range of death related visions. He said and understood everything that happened to him, but simply perceived something we usually dont perceive at other times in our lives. As he pointed out, if his experience was real, then youll have to tell all the old people, so they wont be afraid to die. Within three days I was feeling normal again, clearer, yet different than I had ever felt in my life. Near Death in the ICU: Stories from Patients Near Death and Why We Should Listen to Them, Nearing Death Awareness: A Guide to the Language, Visions, and Dreams of the Dying, New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy, No Goodbyes: Life-Changing Insights from the Other Side, Not Yet: Near-Life Experiences & Lessons Learned, Old Souls: Compelling Evidence from Children Who Remember Past Lives (Scientific Search for Proof of Past Lives), On Death and Dying: What the Dying Have to Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy and Their Own Families, On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief Through the Five Stages of Loss, One Last Time: A Psychic Medium Speaks to Those We Have Loved and Lost, One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why it Matters, Opening Heaven's Door: What the Dying Are Trying to Say About Where They're Going, Orthodox Afterlife: 2,000 Years of Afterlife Experiences of Orthodox Christians and a Biblical and Early Christian View of Heaven, Hell, and the Hereafter, Our Magnificent Afterlife: Beyond Our Fondest Dreams, Dr. Melvin Morses Near-Death Experience Research, Dr. Morses Paranormal Research Conclusions, American Medical Associations Pediatric Journal, accurately describe their own resuscitation, Human Personality and Its Survival After Death, Dr. Kenneth Rings Near-Death Experience Research, Nora Spurgins Near-Death Experience Research, Book Review: Loved By The Light by John R. Audette, A Chat About Near-Death Experiences With an Artificial Intelligence Robot, Book Review: A Near-Death Researchers Notebook: What I Have Learned About Dying, Death, and the Afterlife, Electromagnetic Phenomena Reported by Near-Death Experiencers. They explained to me that science states that reality is made of tiny nuclear particles, so tiny that it is unclear if they are actually matter or simply patterns of energy. While showing no vital signs for 90 minutes, Benedict had perhaps the most transcendental NDE ever documented. It wasnt like a spiral noodle, but it was very straight. So to be the human part of God this is the most fantastic blessing. The Light then told me that I could go with the Stream. They were not seriously injured. The stories that children have told him about what it is like to die have lessons for all of us, especially those attempting to understand the meaning of death or the death of a child. Such visions, dreams, and intuitions have enormous power to heal. The solar system, in all its splendor, whizzed by and disappeared. We have a grid around the planet where all the higher Selves are connected. We dont really go to heaven; we are reprocessed. Everyone thinks they own God, the religions and philosophies, especially the religions, because they form big organizations around their philosophy. I turned toward the Light. Frederick Meyers classic text Human Personality and Its Survival After Death meticulously documents hundreds of such stories. 136 episodes. Certainly the information that Olaf gained during his NDE was real. They are convincing to those who witness them, but lose their power when told and retold. I learned that this galaxy, and all of the Universe, is bursting with many different varieties of LIFE. I could see nothing wrong with any human being I had ever seen. I was pushed along by wind, and I could float. So I said/felt, Please wait. One of the things that we are legendary for is dreaming. Because it all contributes to the Big Picture, the fullness of Life. Heaven Scent March 20, 2019. She saw my confusion and then told me details about my conversation with her roommate, including seeing the stain on my tie.. His There is God in that, and God in the Void. After dying, going through my near-death experience and coming back, I really respect life and death. will zalatoris putter specs. They call it Zero point. Atwater has this to say: I can attest that his case is genuine and his claims about the brain tumor and the conditions of his death are true. Morse has researched many stories which clearly document that there is a paradoxical return of consciousness to the brain, at the point of death. His most recent research is on the mind-body healing aspects of NDEs. Shortly after graduating from medical school in 1973, psychiatrist Bruce Greyson was covering a shift in . Miraculously he returned to his body with a complete remission of the disease and what may be the most inspirational near-death experience story known to date. . This body has been alive forever already. But human beings are already legendary throughout the cosmos of consciousness. I answer them in a way they can understand. mel benidorm near death experience. She was able to communicate telepathically with her son-in-law, when she seemed comatose and he asleep. The Light explained to me that there is no death; we are immortal beings. Suddenly I was fully aware and I was standing up, but my body was in the bed. Mel Nearly Dies - Benidorm - YouTube The Holiday makers are welcomed back to the solana by a near death experience, involving a swimming pool and an over confident Geoff Maltby. That is why God knows even when a leaf falls. ~ Deepak Chopra. I set out to do all the reading I could and bone up on the subject, because I did not want to be surprised on the other side. Our solar system, as do all celestial bodies, generates a unique matrix of light, sound and vibratory energies. I was given a tour of all the heavens that have been created: the Nirvanas, the Happy Hunting Grounds, all of them. The Journal of the Swiss Alpine Club, in the late 1800s, reported 30 first hand accounts of mountain climbers who fell from great heights and lived. When Dr. Morse showed his obvious skepticism, she patted him shyly on the hand and said: Dont worry, Dr. Morse, heaven is fun!, The photo on this page of a childs drawing depicts this young girl being resuscitated by his partner, Dr. Christopher, the doctor who is working on her. I asked the Light, What is going on here? Look through your Self. When its put like that, death doesnt sound so scary after all. The Light knew all about me, everything past, present and future. Atwater, Amazon.com We can access that through lucid dreaming. It, more than any religion or philosophy on earth, brought us together all of a sudden, to a new level of consciousness. He found that having an NDE is good for you, resulting in a love for living. I was in absolute, pure consciousness. It did not look like that, but it is a direct connection to the Source that each and every one of us has. There was a bright light on the ceiling. He had already heard it.
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