And even if God has blessed them, more often that not, Gods blessing is a resource, not a reward. I had no intention of saying that non Calvinists read the scriptures to suit their own fancy. I intended to contrast believers (Cal and non-Cal) who base their opinions on their reading of Scripture, and believers (Cal and non-Cal) who base their opinions on their own counsel, on what they *feel* is true. They are his laws; they are not independent in nature. Calvin's Commentaries on the Bible "After the reading of Scripture, which I strenuously inculcate, and more than any other B. Warfield said, "The Calvinist, in a word, is the man who sees God. Groovy, man. We are also workers. If Calvinism sounds so much like Arminianism, why is there such a problem? Such arrogance!! I am sure that there are other places that approach things this wayI just hadnt found them. These tenets include, An emphasis on three foundational covenants: redemption, works, and grace An emphasis on the continuity between the Old and New Testament The theology is weak. Of course, this is an attempt of a finite mind to describe the infinite, so it cant be perfectly accurate. Ive been lurking through out this discussion. (Sorry, elastigirl, but you were so honest about the kind of God we all want that I have to use your example.) Im very glad that I can call you a sister in our Lord and a friend.. . It doesnt cause comfort, which might be expected, but revulsion because of the nature of evil. There is a new evangelism taking place. As for my content, I think the Nicene Creed covers a lot of it. God has chosen THEM as the sole recipients of His TRUTH. I think that is biblical. ++++++++++++++++. Attendance at Calvin-influenced worship conferences and churches is up,. One forum in particular, no matter what web site or book title I threw out that pointed out flaws in Calvinism (TULIP/ Reformed same thing to me), the Calvinists would scoff and say each author I brought up could be dismissed because he doesnt understand Calvinism or presents a strawman of Calvinism. even when said authors quoted directly from the books of famous Calvinists. (LogOut/ I might get around to it, at some point. Thats why. And it seems the Neo-Cals operate the opposite way: they view everyone else from a Calvinist lens and themselves through an Arminian one. @ Junkster: I have gone through some crisis of the faith in which I was unsure of what I understoodbut I never, ever stopped believing in Jesus. You have nothing to do with it. Do you not understand non Calvinists read the scriptures with the intent of honestyseeing what it says instead of wanting it to conform to our beliefs yet reading the very same scriptures with due diligence, do not come to a believe (amongst other things)in double predestination. "I want to have a discussion with you. Wasnt that we didnt know we had differences but we were Christians who were in it together. He is to me, and that in spite of my categorical rejection of most of what he believes. What bothers me is that your leaders disregard my objections, calling me barely a Christian or saying that Olson is not a Christian.. In between cleaning out my car and doing other various jobs around the house, it came to me. Philosophers (not necessarily Christian ones) have wrestled with these questions for thousands of years without any real answers. Oy. Now I believe it and I think its what scripture teaches, but how in the world can it be necessary and central to the Gospel if the church didnt even think about it in earnest for 1500 years? We all went to Bostons Youthtimeno mention of Calvinism, Armininism or in between like me. I dont think God wanted this to happen- any more than he plans for children to be abused or any other of the litany of horrors that go on in this world. Wow-at least you got the Christian part. Every puzzle piece in its perfect place, no room for any doubt Because truth that doesnt work in the grey isnt really truth. However, Burk made the comment that the wrath of God was at the center of the Gospel, and later on a commentor stated that to not understand PSA is to believe a different Gospel. Im not sure if Lloyd Legalist is a Calvinista, but they might be related: (Well, maybe those who are committed to doing evil to others arent asking those questions, but). I sure love the practical side of things. God does indeed work in mysterious and wonderful ways. Tell othersthat such thinking hurts you but do not expect them to understand. I went through what Calvinists themselves call the cage stage, meaning that young or new Calvinists belong in one. The 10 Best Non Calvinist Systematic Theology of 2022 Before making a purchase decision, we strongly recommend reading through the features of each Non Calvinist Systematic Theology and picking one that will work best for you. (Okay, back into lurk..later, yall!). On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Accept that Calvinists findpeace in trusting that God has orchestrated even the specific tragedies in life. LOLGod works in mysterious and wonderful ways! Could the person have simply avoided it and gone to someplace else without even making the comment? I cant make it all fit so I go with what I honestly believe and hold loosely to the conclusions. They just want to give us a little more time and "context" to receive the brilliance. These accusations are often followed by the fact that although they cant explain away the opposing verses, nonetheless they know their view is the truth. A person can be a conservative Christian without being Reformed or believing in Calvinism. I think this post was a great step toward making those folks feel more welcome. They always enter the discussion with the premises well defined; and the cornerstone premise is that you are wrong and they are right. So if you disagree with me, you must be doomed to hell as a heretic, since you contradict what God has put in my mind to say.. Yes, Jeff S. It is important to try and balance the need to have a voice and going too vitriolic. We are. He said I was wrong. This short paper contains a list of common-sense and biblical arguments and counter-arguments against Calvinism and predestination. It was you! Confused? Instead of debating, try to learn from the other person. my reformed acquaintances pushing the calvinist pillars. @ Daisy: That was pretty much the last straw for me. I know theories of the atonement impact stuff, but I just cant get into that whole debate for some reason. There is something that has been horribly misinterpreted in the verse about All things work together for good..etc It has almost created a cult of catastrophe. Bad theology dishonors God and hurts people. John Piper truly had no idea why his tweet from Job 1 caused an uproar. what, exactly, is this thing called glory that we bring to God? But disagreeing with someone is not the same thing. When I struggle with this, my answer is always to look at the Cross- it seems all theists must deal with a God who allows evil. In fact, I would go so far as to say I think its unbiblical. Maybe I dont get out enough, but I cant remember the last time I heard or read a Calvinist leader saying these kinds of things, unless they were referring to someone like Brian McLaren. Sproul Ive learned much from him, though I dont always agree. Just want you to know that Im keeping your son-in-law in my prayers. And, lets face it, which side was harsher on your blog? Only a source of proof-texts for Calvins Institutes. Agree that you cant really know, truth, and as such you can have NO basis for denying their doctrine. Theyre like rival sects of Muslims in Iraq & Syria. TWW received a comment from one of our nice Calvinist readers. I know. My bet would be that some (many?) Anyway, I am not talking doctrine here. Thats misrepresenting my heart, Argo! Now I have a place to send the Calvin debates and can keep the other threads relatively Calvin debate-free. Craigs got it right. We can just debate doctrine. Some of the things he did/wrote/said kind of raise alarms, if Im honest the whole Servetus Thing, for instance, doesnt make anybody look good however you spin it. It depends, some advocates of Reformed theology say, on whether Christians on both sides are willing to tiptoe through the TULIP-the acrostic for five doctrinal points that set apart Calvinists. etc. Glad youre mentioning Roger Olson, Dee. Accept that they believe in a God of love even if you do not know how they get there. If I were there when a Calvinist or any other professing believer (or atheist or whatever) told someone who was suffering or grieving something that was sure to make the person feel worse, I can practically guarantee that I would shut that person up and have words with him/her. * Okay, end of sermon. The people you refer to are not hard-bitten Marxists or Dawkinsists; they ardently profess Christian faith and judge you in Jesus own name. Do arminians believe in salvation through faith? I believe Sproul when he says that he knows of no Calvinist who, without any difficulty, welcomed what the Bible said about election, etc. At the Spiritual Sounding Board blog, in the threads about Calvinism, I saw Cals on occasion contradicting each other. Rather, it is a "revival" of sortsa revival of traditional, "old" Calvinism.The movement is sweeping through American evangelical churches of all denominations, attracting young people from Free Church, Episcopal, Independent, Presbyterian, and Baptist churches alike. A A Arminianism refers to a belief structure ascribed to Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609), a Dutch Christian theologian who studied the tenants of Calvinism. I told her that we, as non-Calvinists, have to move beyond what we believe is the logical conclusion of their argument (God orchestrating evil and pain) and try to understand that somehow Calvinists, who suggest a God who allows for abuse, is actually a God of love. His interpretation of Christianity, advanced above all in his Institutio Christianae . Roger E. Olson(born 1952) is Professor of Theology,George W. Truett Theological Seminary,Baylor University,Waco, Texas, USA.[1][2]. Good point. Energy is really transferred from one thing to another. This being the case, there is no rations basis for saying that YOU as a person can agree to the first and disagree on the second. To be fair to Calvin and Darwin, Im not a Bulbeckist. Please continue to dialog. There are a lot of avenues going on here. Youre more than welcome at my table, Jeff. Baptist commentaries are the work of scholars and pastors who have served and ministered within the Baptist branch of the Christian faith. As I was saying in my post above, not only is it difficult communicating with Cals because they usually insist you just dont understand Cal!, but they cant agree with each other. Almost all theists (Calvinists, Arminian, other) agree that God could have- so why didnt he? Why does a house wife bring more glory to God than a female scientist who wins a Nobel prize for her work? Everything. I recently found the article online hereand it made me cry as I thought about the journey of my life since that night. Much is mystery and humans so want to solve the mystery. I think the way to achieve this is to leave Calvin/theology out entirely and instead actively love/listen/show compassion. And those who have been left behind when theyve fallen in between, On the altar of the simple road is the blood of the messy gray There appears to be a loss of respect for those who are not Calvinist in their thinking. They alone have truth in ALL things, by Gods special revelation. [1] [2] And any idea that causes people existential damage is wrong. You should consider it though it is a pretty long video. In spite of the current emphasis on Neo-Calvinism, it is still a minority position. Agree. @ JeffB: I even like some mean Calvinists. Its all up to God. In my mind its all about power. I have been given books and literature from Thank you for helping me out. God can do that. The thread on JAs blog really threw me off kilter. I do believe that some brands have harmful elements that bring extra despair as if every day life doesnt bring enough. Thank you, Deb. And I pretty much agree with everything you say here. Now I dont see either of those reflected in what I know of historic Calvinism (and both are directly addressed in the WCF), but if some people want to say they believe those things, then those people are in error for believing them because they are unbiblical, not because they are unCalvinistic. 2. He remarked that our theology was illogical. They do not understand that there are alternative answers by good non-Calvinist theologians as well. The assuredness of the approach is arrogant. Recent Arminians include Charles Finney, Dwight Moody, Billy Graham, Rick Warren and most other "mainline" preachers and evangelists. @ JeffB: If I did that, I would lose the single greatest tool I have for refining my ideas: discussion, debate, disagreement (three ds). (I mean, Star Trek?). Im sure many of us can point out similar starts in our own Christian lives where we later realised that some of the things we were taught were not quite Scriptural, and yet through certain people we came to Christ. As some of you know, I have been through my share of abuse, not nearly as graphic and terrible as some, but enough to leave its scars. Hence the terrible attitude of many evangelicals towards science. How wonderful to remember those days! There are lot of things that I dont see how it fits. Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and Lutheranism all come to mind off the top of my head. I have never doubted the existence and presence of Jesus in my life. I do think though, there is a difference between a Calvinist and a Calvinista. Founders made the list, as did John Piper, Jonathan Edwards, RC Sproul, James White and the first Southern Baptist confession of faith (which is still used at Southern and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminaries, and which even the famous non-Calvinist Paige Patterson has signed), the Abstract of Principles. Somehow He organizes His Will and human free will in accomplishing His ends. I may be wrong, but I get the feeling that you dont want Calvinists to be completely honest about what they believe in the current discussion, because someone may be hurt. As I think youre hinting here, a certain amount of theology (what proportion, I dont know) is in reality nothing more than a minority social science. You have truly said that he is one, and there is no other besides him. (But I always wondered why, if it was not His desire that any man should perish, that He also would create someone specifically for hell??). who needs systems & neat little boxes? Just a few thoughts for you. Concerning double predestination: If by it you mean that God makes people sin so that he can judge them and send them to hell no, I dont think the Bible says that. 1 Systematic Theology Berkhof, Louis (Author) English (Publication Language) This is as it should be, imo. Tell himyou love himanyway. Its sobering that these are the very things that will be withheld from me in many church settings because doing is reflexively conflated with striving and I need to learn to rest in Daddy/Mummy Gods unconditional love. I will say they are much more composed personalities. The way total depravity was explained to me (via a G. I. Williamson commentary on one of the Westminster Catechisms, cant remember if it was longer or shorter) was with the example of a glass of water. Number 3 on the list is "use of the ESV Study Bible.". Much longer than I had planned, so Ill stop here. It usually starts out with something like this. Declarations of faith. Yet, their theology is reformed. Look at my Perfect System! Ive seen the attitude too often in fandom, and for some reason political or theological fanboys are a lot more respectable than furry or otaku or gamer fanboys, though the underlying dynamic is similar. In addition to Dees remarks on unity, Id also like to add the following: we all accept the historic Christian creeds of the early church (Apostles, Nicene, Athanasian). The beginning of thought is in disagreement not only with others but also with ourselves.-Eric Hoffer. I am not promoting Lutheranism as the only place to go. I never minded using it in the past because it was just a shorthand for my views on what it means to be saved by grace; I wasnt really arguing with anyone, and I figured as shorthand, it was alright. System- & neat-little-box-free. Or reformed, predestined, predestination, sovereignty,. What content does your faith have? I know this sounds like a broad brush, but I think people need to know this dirty little secret. Contemporary Famous Calvinists: D.A. The farther away from direct, clear scripture I get, the more loosely I hold to ideas. Conceding, of course, that this was an English translation, not Latin or French. I also was not the only one who reacted to this. He said he found comfort from it. I have worked with you and at least a handful of other Calvinists who truly defend the abused/oppressed and I am glad to call you friend. This is what has been preached to many people over and over. Wehad the opportunityto spend the weekend with Wade and his family. You are still lost in your finite mind. The non Christian world will know there is a God by our love for other Christians. )<br><br>A few lists you will want to check out. But never, ever did it raise anything except a good discussion. @ JeffB: I ask that you likewise dont look down on me and others who hold this view of God. This is what has been preached to many people over and over. I am not saying that you or anyone else *shouldnt* feel that way that would be absurd. . I think almost all theists answer yes, but its a hard thing to hear for that woman. A secondary cause is always subservient to the primary cause, which is God. Questions should be addressed to the male authority in ones life. Many of us, view double predestination to be in great conflict with the character of God as He presents Himself in scripture. So, I disagree with your choice of word infantilised because in my example Im talking about giving someone hurting exactly what they need (emotionally/spiritually) at the precise time they need it just like breastmilk. (LogOut/ I used to have the same problem talking with, or debating Roman Catholics, online. As a moderator at my blog, yes, Id shut it down and recommend that they take it to the Calvinism debate thread if they want to discuss it further. Actually Ive always thought of the hyper crowd in any area as the ones who want to get in your face and tell everyone how if they are not with them they are against them. He is still in a leadership position within the church. Many problems in churches and society should transcend doctrinal biases. Did you see my comment in the post about a nice Calvinist? Yet Calvin (and Luther Im Lutheran) were fallible and sometimes very sinful men. Im not doubting what you say, but PLEASE (and this goes for everyone) try to document this type of thing. I may be wrong, but I get the feeling that you dont want Calvinists to be completely honest about what they believe in the current discussion, because someone may be hurt. And thanks for your honest answers. 3680 / C (Canadian Dollars) Wilfred Laurier University (Waterloo Lutheran Seminary) Lutheran. These include Park Street Church in Boston with Paul Toms as pastor; Chapel Hill Bible Church in North Carolina with Jim Abrahamson as pastor and Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Dallas with Pete Briscoe as pastor. Does it say milk of the word? That sounds contradictory to the importance that many place on the word. Rank No. Never mind those 2400+ pages of Perfectly-Parsed Theology also stem from the same base assumptions about God as Mohammed that Gods Omnipotent Will overrides everything else about God, never mind physical reality. The response to an authoritarian and oppressive environment is not to create another one where Calvinism is not tolerated. Actually, Luther wrote more about election and predestination than did Calvin. I dont know that any of the venues get one closer to God than the others. 3:1-2) is saying that their are parts of the Word that are more elementary than others, not that those parts are any less important. from what Ive seen here, youve always been a gentleman and tolerant of others who do not believe as you do. Per the God as author of evil thing, Ive only ever heard of one Calvinist who came close to saying this and it was Sproul Jr. This is what many people come away with when they read Piper, and the Pyromaniac blog, and encounter the Jarred Wilsons, Doug Wilsons, and others of the blogging world.. Or at least they start to think they have the powers and rights (divine?) It was written by. Id like to agree with both, if thats ok. We need exactly the right kind of nutrition at exactly the right kind, but maybe not the milky kind because we emerge from trauma both far too old and still too young. I never met Calvin myself, and as my History of Science supervisor at uni said nobody has ever devised a means to psychoanalyse the dead, so I can only guess at what went on in Calvins head. © 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - The Wartburg Watch. I was taught for years that my salvation was only a happy side effect of Gods bringing glory to Himself- and after years of trying to rationalize how horrible things that happen are scripted for us by God- and after years of listening to systematic theology that seeks to cram all the unexplainable nature and mystery of God into a neat, cut and dried smugness with a pat answer to everything- I am like a kid in a candy store. That is what Jesus spoke against over and over in his short life. Do you believe that God could not stop you if he wished? Makes available his super-ability where your ability comes to an end. I read CS Lewis, Francis Schaeffer and many others. I will post about this. TULIP stands for total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible . I know. Okay, that makes it a little less OCD. Notwithstanding, non-Calvinist Bible commentaries have largely become marginalized in our present day, with large Christian book publishers simply refusing to print them. Thanks for the clarification. I will never forget hearing so many Christians actually try to reason that we have to accept, even rejoice, that this must have been Gods plan for these precious young people.
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