They take on board the advice and it serves them for that moment in time. you enjoy good food and wine Orisha: Kind and Loving or Punishing Energies? If you see the number 5 a lot (my two most recent apartments were on the 5th floor), are attracted to the color yellow or gold and enjoy sweets, specifically honey, then you too may be a child of Oshun.. How many Orisha can you have? I was born from Obatala and Yemaya. Yemaya is the Mother of the Ocean Waters, the Seven Seas. you are partial to bright colors This seems to be the case in Havana more than other places in Cuba. emotional sustenance is more important than material objects But it's premature to say that the client is the son or daughter of the Orich based only on a routine consulta, especially if it's the first time the client has seen the diviner and a relationship of trust hasn't been built up yet between the two. Each way is fine; however I would beware of houses that are extremely anti one path or another. They need time alone and require peace and quiet. quitting smoking & drinking Train your nose. I am a London based Iyalosha, ( Priest in the Lucumi tradition) crowned with Ochun; who is passionate about the arts April 2016 are quick to take offense And besides. One of the clearest Blogs regarding the Lucumi Path online. There was a time in the UK, where the only option was to have godparents that lived in Cuba or the US. They are good at getting things started and tend to be very strong-willed. Some things are limited to explain in written language. MY PATREON TEAM for private live-streams, private lessons, recipes, money and love hacks, and a 15 minute consultation! Initiations. Shango may well be your guardian Orisha if: you are extremely articulate Please dont get me wrong. Through real experiences, Embracing Spirituality answers some of life's most difficult questions of the unknown. March 2013 Ready to play this 'which orisha am I' quiz? To put it simply, God created the universe and everything in it. Don't be in a hurry to claim a relationship that the Orichs themselves haven't acknowledged. My first reading took place over thirty 34 years ago, when the religion was illegal, Cuba was not a popular tourist destination and circumstances were very different. If you have not decided that this is your path, you definitely do not want to just find out what orisha has your head and then walk away. Which Simpsons Character Are You Most Like? This candle can be any color (other than black), but a white candle is most commonly used. costumes When we come to this world, each of us are accompanied by an Orisha. money is easy for you to make but not your foremost consideration tend toward a strong physique The number of orishas varies among believers. Different oral traditions refer to their number being either 400, 700 or 1,440 Orishas. Even without the readings and (expensive) ceremonies, if you put energy and work into your Orisha research, you might be able to get connected with your Head Orisha and start a bountiful spiritual journey. He opens and closes all The Paths, The Doors, The Roads. Doing so will typically set them on the right path to achieving their soul mission. If your answer is yes, then you've come to the absolute right place. Read more Orunmila Simple. The head orisha is the right divine current of spiritual energy that person needs for his or her life to be balanced so his or her ultimate destiny can be attained. There are even espiritistas (spiritualists) who will declare a persons tutelary orisha in a spiritual mass (misa), or use tarot cards to determine who their orisha is. I have also organised five musical trips to Cuba. Long distance Godparents. Some traditions recommend a red candle for Shango, but it is not necessary. These systems use a complex divination process to determine which deity governs your head at any given time. The cost for this divination will be $100. It is said that most of these avatars and enlightened spirits first existed in the etheric realm the realm of the spirits (Orun), and that then they came down into human bodies on the Earth as divine beings (Irunmole). The offerings are always presented to the head starting with the "third eye" area, moving to the top of the head and proceeding to the base of the skull. If you want to know who to worship and who to work with, its Obatala until it is time for you to find out who your guardian orisha really is. -- that is important to follow through on so that you can have the spiritual support you need. This deity is popularly known as the 'God of Thunder and Lightning . you are always analyzing other peoples behavior and motives April 2019 That Orisha helps us to better our lives and is one of our first lines of protection in life. Kula nuts are also acceptable. 4. The average person generally wants to know simply for the sake of knowing. Today I found a dead bird in my bulconny just below the window. There is a small ritual that is connected to this procedure. Looking at the hip-to-waist ratio offers doctors a better way of . They may be unknowingly violating certain taboos or otherwise out of alignment. - Original Botanica Which Orisha Do You Most Identify With? Seeing how you feel within the Ile, how friendly people are and welcoming, and generally how you fit in, is important. In Europe, in general there has been a huge rise in the practise of the religion and the ceremony of Kariocha has taken place in some countries, amongst them Holland, and Spain. March 2020 Palm oil, kola nuts, coral, and flowers can all be used as offerings. Ancestral Essence Page, Ancestor Paths One of my favourite books for prayer and healing,, Making Ocha, The Build up andPreparations, Blog Spot (past interview) With Santeria Priestess Daniela De Armas,…. 5. you are highly sexual Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon publishes August 8, 2023 from DAW Books. Three babalawos must be present for this to be done properly. For Ifa-centric houses,the divination of a persons crowning orisha is reserved for Babalawos. Therefore, the identity of our Orisha is extremely important for us in the religion. So that overzealous athlete may need calm and peaceful Obatala energy but may seem more like a Shango, and that doctor may need to be flexible and agile like Elegba, but may seem more like an Ogun. I would say, first and foremost. Each system differs in how it determines your head Orisha. My Iyatobi Oshainle passed this year and Omi Laibo is my Ojubona. Take this quiz to find out which of the Yoruba Orishas you the most similar to!! Chili peppers, peppercorns, and jalapeos are all suitable offerings to Esu. Cool water, coconuts, milk, honey, shea, butter, rice, mild cigars, bread, and cookies are all acceptable fare to this somewhat physically delicate Orisha. dancing A good day chiefs by virtue of their intention to remain in one location for a length of time. This is a Santeria/Lukumi practice for houses that work with babalawos. In addition, if you have a problem that needs addressing, or you want to be proactive and involved, and truly walk the path, finding local priests is a more sensible option. There is even a modern trend to begin initiating people to these orishas in Lukum practice but this is highly unconventional and non-traditional. Which Orisha Do You Most Identify With? They are your patron or matron and act as a guardian and balancing force in a person's life. When you are about to bite into some strong cheese, be sure to smell it before eating it. You should be working on your own self, overcoming your weaknesses and building a relationship with your ancestors long before kariocha. Orisha comes to London. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This is the proper day, however, for rituals to the witches. you understand logic but make the majority of your decisions based on your gut feelings. Our interest in cancer is the result of a combination of factors. you easily see another persons point of view It may mean that the Orich has a special fondness for the client, and over time, it may be revealed through the correct ceremonies that in fact that Orich is the owner of the client's head. I would say do some research first. Useful for long-range planning and the perfect day for the preparation of amulets and charms for longevity and good health. Easy Folk Magic Love Spells to Try for Yourself, Basic Ingredients and Curios Used in Hoodoo. Usually the godparent will use the shells of Elegba or the orisha they are initiated to and will sometimes ask another priest or priestess to do the reading for neutrality. people are oftern drawn to you for comfort and understanding Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Which Stand do you have. I formally ran "singing for the terrified" at the Mary Ward Centre, in addition to a world music choir. I went to study music in Cuba in 1986, since then I have done many things. These elements ultimately help you live in balance and harmony. enjoy physical things Head Orishas are significant deities in African traditional religions like Ifa. I hope this helps! This is done using the cowrie shells (diloggn) of Eleggu or of the godparents tutelary orisha. Those that have made a stand, find themselves outnumbered and follow the general way that things are going. Once you have chosen the Olorisha to represent you, the correct procedure would be to go to the feet of the tutelary Orisha of the person that you have chosen and ask. Eggplants are a favorite of Oya. you prefer to stay home rather than travel Many other deities work with you, but your head Orisha is your guardian spirit. There seems to be a growing trend of people wanting to learn who their orisha is and how they can work with that orisha. The best day to perform rituals for prosperity or financial success. This often happens when a persons tutelary orisha is determined way in advance years before the ceremony and at the last minute a different orisha possesses that person and claims their head. What happens after that question is asked depends on whether one has access to a priest or priestess in tradition. Either way, your head Orisha bears the responsibility of leading, guiding, and teaching you karmic lessons. A good day to initiate new business ventures. Others may seek you out for your wisdom. Which of these powers do you find the most attractive? Ogun could be your guardian Orisha if you: have a profound sense of right and wrong are quick to take offense enjoy physical things prefer small groups to large crowds prefer to "do" rather than talk about doing tend toward a strong physique are attracted to metals prefer the woods or the mountains to the sea or the countryside A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address. you love music In The Religion, first come the Egun (Ancestors). The Babalawos are the priests of Orunmila, the Orisha of Knowledge and Wisdom who was the only Orisha allowed to witness the creation of the Universe. having fun Instead initiations in Santeria help the person to move forward in their lives, often in specific ways and impart the ach or spiritual power of the Orishas into your life. Each way is acceptable and it depends which house you belong to and how they work. In this article well address some of the misconceptions around the guardian orisha, clarify how a persons tutelary orisha is determined, and why you should or shouldnt know who it is. Three or more babalawos are used to ensure that the Odu (sacred oracle) that is marked on the opon (the divining tray) is correct and so that the querent can receive as much information as possible about the lessons and taboos of the odu. Yes, sometimes the blacksmith turns out to be a child of Ogun or the cosmetologist is a child of Oshun, but there are times when the child of Obatala is an athlete or the child of Elegba is a doctor, career choices are not readily attributed to those orishas. Next time you are drinking a cup of coffee take time to really breathe in the smell before you drink it. While the power of the Orishas is legendary, one doesn't become initiated for power or for money. How To Dap Someone Up? He MUST be a child of Shango!". Personal Religious Items. wine or liquor you are sensual in a quiet rather than overt fashion. Six red apples, placed on a dish and set upon a shelf in your home, are a standard offering. communications Fruits, particularly red or purple grapes, melons, squash, beer, gin, rum, candy, and cakes are all staple offerings. Like humans, they have distinct personalities with strengths and weaknesses of their own. Let us see everything today.. Orishas were sent by Olodumare to help and teach humans during their time on Earth. It would depend. Obatala is the owner of all heads he fashioned our bodies and minds. Unlike every other Orisha, Obatala is not offered palm oil. Different cultures have different beliefs about the head Orisha. I have a passion for art and nature, good music, genealogy and travel. One is via Orula ( Ifa) and the other is via the Dilogun of Elegua. The Owner of the river is a head Osha and represents the intensity of feelings and spirituality, human sensuality, love and femininity. Liquor is never offered and is a strict taboo for Obatala. And by knowing who our Orisha is, we also learn to know ourselves better. The day for settling differences. The calming affects are profound. In which case, you are equipped with specific aspects of your head Orisha for this purpose. Once you have chosen the Olorisha to represent you, the correct procedure would be to go to the feet of the tutelary Orisha of the person that you have chosen and ask. clothes are very important to you you love parties Oshun is the goddess of love, sensuality, sexuality, fertility, all that make life beautiful and worth living. I found what appears to be a dead baby bird on my bedroom windowsill todayit barely has feathers so no, The digestfromexperts is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, The Connection Between Dragonfly and Death | Various Spiritual Meanings and Beliefs. Sign 5: You can experience cold feels (chills) in the area of the Crown and Third Eye chakra, respectively, and you might see either white, red or black orbs and colors in the corner of your eyes. But, it's also a time when newcomers hear about these Orichs for the first time and feel a sudden attraction to them. find that others expect you to do things for them Sometimes during an ordinary consulta, a diviner might tell the client: "You're the child of " and mention a specific Orich's name. Some traditions believe that each person has one guardian spirit, while others believe we have two. How does one do that? You may ask. Sign 7: Also, take a look at Alusi (the Igbo pantheon), Loa, a List of Yoruba deities and West African mythology in order to check if any of the signs and names youve been seeing or hearing, ring a bell. He is the head of the orishas and as such protects and guides all people with fairness and equality. To find out which Orich claims your head, you have to undergo one of two possible ceremonies: In iles (houses) that are Ifa-centric, Babalawos (Priests of Orula) use palm or cola nuts to draw out the Odu (sign or letter) that signals the owner of the person's head. Therefore, it has very little to do with personality. Because he is the Orisha of metal, there are two particular ebos that refer to his domain. Rooster and male goat are also offered. prefer the woods or the mountains to the sea or the countryside For example, when a person finds out they are a child of Obatal they know they usually function best over time and that when they are hurried they are at their least efficient. | According to Spirituality. Your head Orisha is one of the most important personal deities according to the Ifa religion and other diasporic traditions. It can also mean that youve been struggling to find your path and way in life, and you mightve been feeling stuck and praying for help, so it could be that the ancestors have heard your manifestations, and your prayers are being answered. Orishas and other deities correlate to many aspects of western astrology since this system was derived from African spiritual science. Following are the Orisha (Your Guardian Orisha). My intention is not to tar everyone with the same brush, but times are changing and it is important not to be under any illusions when going to Cuba. Also Ogun is the Orisha of civilization, technology, and transportation. Watermelon is a favorite of this deep-water Orisha. as a male, you enjoy the company of strong women Obatala may well be your guardian Orisha if: you are more cerebral than physical oshunschild's Blog: Simply my thoughts and feelings about being an Iyalocha in London, Information about Uk wide spiritualist churches, Information about the College of Psychic Studies, Good information and advice. It is disheartening to visit tambors where Olorishas dont understand protocol, how to salute Anya, or the singing of the songs etc. This is an expensive ceremony, and its not something that can be done on a whim, so much is there to be done and explored about the Orishas before you reach the stage for Kariocha. Conversely, you can attend an Orisha Drumming and be claimed by an Orisha attending the ceremony through the human conduit present. A review of the projects that came to London last year. Understand that you can have multiple Godparents within this religion. Then comes God Almighty. good food If it is possible, make your offering during a thunderstorm. But one of the two claim a more dominant role (claims our head/ crown). Also beneficial for business and financial events. During the Headlong mission, you'll find yourself in the Liming Harbor area of Neomuna, near the entrance to the Thrilladrome Lost Sector. 5. Channel 5 documentary program, Wetherspoons: How Do They Do It? you are easily offended A persons tutelary orisha (also called a head orisha, guardian orisha or guardian angel) is the orisha that claims a persons head. We just want to ensure Wellness either way. Many new practitioners of the Ifa and other diasporic traditions are typically quite excited to identify their head Orisha when they first start practicing these spiritual systems.
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