Digilandmall.com Pte Ltd [2004] 2 SLR(R) 594, Rajah JC (as . Arrival can also be immaterial unless a recipient accesses the e-mail, but in this respect e-mail does not really differ from mail that has to be opened. In that sense, it is akin to ordinary posting. Singapore Court of Appeal. After all, what would he do with 100 obsolete commercial laser printers? The law of agency and that pertaining to the formation of contracts are expressly recognised in s13(8) of the ETA as continuing to apply to electronic transactions. He is also described as the sole proprietor and manager of two other businesses that provide business support and consultancy. com Pte Ltd30 that was primarily about unilateral mistake. 79 The second, third and fifth plaintiffs tried their best to distance themselves from the quotes attributed to them. [2005] 1 SLR(R) Chwee Kin Keong v Digilandmall Pte Ltd 521. whether constructive knowledge by a non-mistaken party of the mistake would suffice to vitiate the contract ab initio. It is axiomatic that normal contractual principles apply but the contractual permutations will obviously be sometimes more complex and spread over a greater magnitude of transactions. The recipient rule appears to be the logical default rule. In a Straits Times report dated 15January 2003 captioned $66 printer error angry customers seek lawyers help, it was reported that the second plaintiff, described as a network marketer had on 13January at about 2.00am stumbled upon a offer he could not believe $66 for a Hewlett Packard laserjet printer that normally sells for $3,854 before GST. Plaintiffs counsel indicated that they wanted to further particularise the sixth plaintiffs purchase orders. 45 The most telling aspect of the third plaintiffs evidence is his admission that he made Internet searches relating to the pricing of the laser printer, immediately after he was contacted by the first plaintiff. There is however much to be said in favour of rationalising the law of mistake under a single doctrine incorporating the best elements of common law and equity. 122 For now it appears that a mistaken party can have two bites at the cherry. The first and fifth plaintiffs ordered exactly a hundred laser printers each. A real product number HP9660A was inserted in the new template as the prototype for which fictional prices were to be changed on the three relevant websites. I found their attempts to play down the impact of the statements which they had, to all intents and purposes, willingly and deliberately made earlier, unconvincing. It has been pointed out that the pedigree of these decisions is dubious, to say the least (see [128] and [129] infra). Having pointed out 6 that a court 'will generally be cautious if not reluctant to effect any amendments once the hearing has commenced; even more so once the evidential phase of the . 144 I find, in the alternative, that the plaintiffs, given each of their backgrounds, would in any event, each have separately realised and appreciated, before placing their purchase orders, that a manifest mistake had occurred even if no communications on the error had taken place between them. In light of these general observations, I now address the law on unilateral mistake. 105 It is not only reasonable but right that the objective appearance of a contract should not operate in favour of a party who is aware, in the eyes of the law, of the true state of affairs when, for instance, there is real misapprehension on the part of the mistaken party and when the actual reality of the situation is starkly obvious. 46 He was therefore aware, even before he made his first purchase, that the actual price of the laser printer was in the region of US$2,000. 101 RSS Intellectual Property Office of Singapore Expand/Collapse. 31 He admitted receiving a call from the first plaintiff at about 2.00am but claimed the first plaintiff merely apprised him of a good deal. It does not purport to regulate e-commerce but attempts to facilitate the usage of e-commerce by equating the position of electronic records with that of written records, thus elevating the status of electronic signatures to that of legal signatures. Both parties displayed a considerable amount of imagination in dealing with them. This could account for the substantial number of Canadian cases in this area of the law. The defendant has expressly pleaded unilateral mistake. He held that the Written Offer was accepted by the . 35 In addition to these conversations, the second plaintiff also accessed the Epinions website and sent a related e-mail to the first plaintiff. . She opined that situations where unilateral mistake had been considered were those involving fraud or a very high degree of misconduct. 11 The single most controversial issue in these proceedings is the knowledge possessed and/or belief entertained by each of the plaintiffs when they entered into each of the transactions for the purchase of the laser printers. If anything, certain portions of the affidavits raised even more doubts about the plaintiffs credibility. The same view is echoed in Halsburys Laws of Singapore vol7 (Butterworths Asia, 2000) at [80.164]. Ltd. has the makings of a student's classic for several reasons, including: 1. 66 The fifth plaintiff also gave evidence that the next morning, when he logged on his computer, he noted that a Hong Kong lawyer friend, Coral Toh, was also logged onto her computer. 3. Though the actual price of the laser printer was $3,854, the defendant had on 8January 2003 mistakenly posted the price at $66.00 on its websites. There was a promise to pay made by the plaintiffs in exchange for the delivery of the requisite laser printers. 30 Tan Wei Teck is 30 years old. The pleadings, in such instances, merely formalise what is already before the court. Chwee Kin Keong v Digilandmall.com Pte Ltd. Case Nos: Suit 202/2003/E (for the first instance), CA/30/2004 (for the appeal) in the High Court of Singapore (at first instance), Singapore Court of Appeal. Yong Pung HowCJ in, [T]he function of the court is to try as far as practical experience allows, to ensure that the, Tan Sok Ling, Malcolm Tan and Mohan Das Vijayaratnam (Tan S L and Partners) for plaintiffs; chwee kin keong v digilandmall high court. There is no doubt that the plaintiffs acted with indecent haste in the dead of the night in placing as many orders as each of them felt their financial resources credibly permitted them to do. Notwithstanding, the defendant does not take issue with this as the sixth plaintiffs orders were received and the appropriate automated responses generated. Unilateral Mistake at . If he was prepared to commit this view in writing to a larger circle of 54 friends and business associates after his communication with the second and third plaintiffs, he would certainly have shared this view with his close friends with even greater candour and detail. The defendant is therefore entitled to recover in full its taxed costs from the plaintiffs. 24 While the first plaintiff conceded that he had communicated to the second and third plaintiffs the existence of a good deal, he maintained he did not discuss the possibility of the pricing being a mistake. The recipient rule is therefore more convenient and relevant in the context of both instantaneous or near instantaneous communications. v . It was found that the plaintiffs must have known or realised that the offer did not express the true intention of the defendants. There is therefore no pre-condition in law for a mistaken party to show an absence of carelessness to avail himself of this defence; the law precludes a person from seeking to gain an advantage improperly in such circumstances. The decision of V.K. Abstract. The prospective buyer has to make an offer to purchase which is then accepted by the merchant. What amounts to snapping up is a question of degree that will incorporate a spectrum of contextual factors: what is objectively and subjectively known, the magnitude of the transaction(s), the circumstances in which the orders are placed and whether any unusual factors are apparent. Users may find that it may not be as forgiving as more traditional methods of communications. In these circumstances we can see no option but so to hold. This is an online dating and match-making service. The elements of an offer and acceptance are, 139 Next, the defendant contends that no consideration passed from the plaintiffs to them. The second issue was raised by me and touched upon contentions made by both parties in their written submissions. The second plaintiff made an enquiry as to the terms and conditions governing purchases through the HP website while the fifth plaintiff was perusing the conditions of the Digilandmall website. http://www.buy.hp.com.sg/hp/StandardProduct.cfm?prodid=HPC9960A. 2 [2004] 2 SLR 594 ("the Digilandmall case") (The decision was very recently affirmed by the Singapore Court of Appeal in Chwee Kin Keong v Digilandmall.com Pte Ltd [2005] SGCA 2, albeit on somewhat different grounds and where the focus was on the law of unilateral mistake rather than formation of contract.)]. The rules of offer and acceptance are satisfied and the parties are of one mind. While the first plaintiff was the source of the information concerning the price posting, the second plaintiff actively communicated with all of the plaintiffs (save the sixth plaintiff), throughout the material period. He commenced practice in 2000 and currently practices with the law firm representing the plaintiffs in this action. That said, it also offers new avenues of evidential proof offering intimate insights into realtime thought processes and reactions. MrYeow said: After we ordered, the very next day, some of us have even gone up to talk to buyers in the market about the units. When pressed why he asked MsToh to do this research, the fifth plaintiffs response was unsatisfactory. A court will not enforce the plaintiffs purported contracts even if they are not void. The court has to be astute and adopt a pragmatic and judicious stance in resolving such issues. Chwee Kin Keong decision - Chwee Kin Keong and Others v Digilandmall Pte Ltd [2004] 2 SLR 594; - Studocu Caso chwee kin keong and others digilandmall.com pte ltd slr sghc 71 suit no: suit decision 12 apr 2004 date: court: coram: counsel: high court rajah jc tan sok IgnorarExperimenta 'Pergunta a um Especialista' Pergunta a um especialista The preface I do not know in no way detracts from this; the e-mail being addressed to a large group of 54 persons, the first plaintiff would simply not have wanted to commit himself by saying I know. 155 The Internet has revolutionised commerce and radically altered the manner in which commercial interaction currently takes place. Inflexible and mechanical rules lead to injustice. In Chwee Kin Keong v. Digilandmall.com Pte Ltd , 1 one of the defendant's employees mistakenly uploaded the contents of a training template onto the defendant's website, resulting in the retail price of S$3,854 for a commercial laser printer on the website being replaced with the figure S$66. When the defendant learnt of the error, it promptly removed the advertisement from its websites, and informed the plaintiffs as well as 778 others who had placed orders for a total of 4,086 laser printers that the price posting was an unfortunate error, and that it would therefore not be meeting the orders. The rigour in limiting this scope is also critical to protect innocent third party rights that may have been acquired directly or indirectly. In such cases, it would be unconscionable to enforce the bargain and equity will set aside the contract. No harm trying right? This is a case about predatory pack hunting. The law will have to organically adapt itself to respond to new challenges without compromising on certainty and fairness. CLARK, B. Homestead Assets Sdn Bhd v. Contramec . This is an area that needs to be rationalised in a coherent and structured manner. Furthermore, they relied on a passage from, At the trial leave to amend particulars will as a rule be refused (, 84 It is axiomatic that a court will generally be cautious if not reluctant to effect any amendments once the hearing has commenced; even more so once the evidential phase of the proceedings has been completed. In fact, he and the fourth plaintiff have jointly conceptualised and implemented an Internet-related business. 127 The attempt to conflate the concept of common law mistake and the equitable jurisdiction over mistake is understandable but highly controversial. In such cases, where the purchaser has readily accessible means from the very same computer screen, to ascertain through a simple search whether a mistake has taken place, the onus could be upon him to exonerate himself of imputed knowledge of the mistake. The issue in this case was whether the pricing was a mistake and if the contract would be fulfilled. There cannot be any legitimate expectation of enforcement on the part of the non-mistaken party seeking to take advantage of appearances. Desmond: 13/01/20 01:47 wasnt greedy before I tok to u. Scorpio: 13/01/20 01:47 yeah.. S$1 mio then no need to work liao?? 75 Each of the automated confirmatory e-mail responses carried under Availability of product the notation call to enquire.
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